Welcome IGM Secrets Listeners!


Here are the tools we promised you!

And remember….

peter drucker quote


Remember you need to be intentional! Have in your mind how many followers you want and by what date.

Write that down and Track it! You will see the magic happen.

So first we have for you the Instagram Growth Tracking Spreadsheet.



Step 1:

Click here to access the –> IGM TRACKER WORKSHEET 

Step 2:

Go to File, Select “Make a Copy”

This new copy is YOUR copy. You won’t be able to edit or access the original file so you need do this step so you have your own that you can keep.

Step 3:

Only enter in the fields “Current # of followers” and 2019 Goal (0r Current Year) at the top Of sheet

Goal. Once you enter those two numbers, the worksheet will
automatically formulate your annual, monthly and weekly goals, as
well as your change and percent change per month.


Instagram Growth Spreadsheet


2) Here are some of the Tools we discussed on the Podcast (and a couple of others)

Mojo Video App – Complete Game changer for creating epic stories in minutes.

Social Blade – Awesome for tracking what your competitors are doing or even seeing your own numbers.

All Hashtag – Tool I use to easily create a list of best hashtags to include with my posts.


If you have any questions you can reach out to me at: stefan@cerebroleads.com


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